“You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” (John 13:7)

I have no parents anymore, so I decided to be a working scholar since my second year as a Computer Engineering student. Even before I graduated, I was already considered “hired” by one of the giant software companies here in Cebu. God is indeed good, right? This is just an intro.


A couple of weeks after graduation, I already started working as a trainee in that company. I was among the first batch of newly hired engineers. My batchmates were really really really good and skillfull. The exercises were very challenging especially for me as I was not very confident with my software development skills. (I am more inclined to electronics and digital design.)

After six months, all of us were ranked according to our performance and scores. There were 14 of us. Would you bother asking what my rank was? I was the 14th!  No kidding. I was last among them. I was given a note of “Needs Improvement.” Very painful on my side. I spent hours in the CR crying after seeing the result.

We were then deployed to different projects. The result of my training did not stop my determination to succeed in that field. I told myself, “One day, I will become a supervisor.” So I performed very well and gave my best.

But during our first deployment, my boss seemed not to appreciate me and my skills. I could deeply sense his judging thoughts toward me that I was not good enough. Long story short, I was not given a regular position and was kicked out of the company for a reason I have no idea about. The note “Needs Improvement” that I was dreading to see haunted me again. It was the same evaluation result I received. Very painful. Everything did not make sense to me that time.

I comforted myself that maybe, there is still another job for me. A company wherein I would be appreciated for my effort and dedication. So I went ahead and sent out resumes and application letters to this company and that company, and this and that. If I remember it correctly, I applied for over 11 companies hoping that I would be given a chance. I told myself, “It will literally be a joke if NOT EVEN ONE of these companies would accept me.”

Well, as it turned out, I was right. All those companies rejected my application. I was unemployed for about six months. During those times, though, I still went to interviews although most of them did not reach out to me again afterwards. A father of my college friend even helped me look for a job and recommended me to someone he knew. Still, no response.

I believe those six months of my life was one of the darkest seasons of my life. I was literally hungry and was not able to give myself proper meals every day. I had no money. I had no food. I would have to ask my college friends if I could borrow then return the money once I got a job.

During those months, I believe God wanted to teach me the most valuable lessons in life — lessons that can only be learned during hardships and trials.

God taught me the value of money. He taught me the reality that having no income is a very difficult thing you could get yourself into.

God allowed me to become hungry for job, for food, for purpose, for answers, for life — so I would learn and become mature.

I never gave up on my faith that said, “I will get a job soon. Not now, but soon.”


Several weeks later, on my way to church, I received a text message from an unknown number. The person who texted me was the friend of that father of my friend who recommended me for a position. He was looking for an applicant for a system test job for a project that they are currently working on. I never hesitated to respond with a “yes” to that application and had my interview a week after.

Today, I am already one of the trusted and appreciated people in our team and in our company as a result of my hardwork. I am very happy to win the trust and confidence of our board of directors, clients, and even the owners. The job that I have right now even gave me the opportunities to travel around the world. In just six months, I have been to four different countries for work purposes. I had salary increases. I had bonuses.

Our American vice president and project managers sometimes send me emails expressing their gratitude and appreciation for my hardwork and diligence. I don’t see the “Needs Improvement” note anymore. Instead, I see “I am very proud to have you in our team.”

The rejections that I encountered before were actually God’s redirection to something that is way better than I asked for. He knew the plans He has for me. Plans to prosper me and not to harm me. Plans to give me hope and a future. He allowed me to be rejected several times because He wanted to take me to somewhere beautiful — a place He prepared only for me.

I hope my story inspires others who are facing different kinds of rejections in this life. He feels what you are feeling right now. Wait for His absolute best. Be patient. It will be worth it in the end. He has reserved nothing but the BEST for you, and HE LOVES YOU! 


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