
Rediscovering the Sabbath

Talk 1: Rest

We open today our brand-new series: RESTED.

This is a 7-Talk course that will save your life and family.

Warning: Your lifestyle today may be destroying, little by little, your health, your joy, your inner peace, your family, and your relationship with God.

This series will wake you up before it’s too late and shift your direction.

The key message: Let God be God.

Talk 2: Work

This is the second installment of our brand-new Feast Talk series, RESTED.

Talk 1, titled Rest, established that there’s a great pandemic going on, called Overworking but Underliving.
The antidote is the Sabbath– which bestows two essential blessings: (1) a rhythm of rest; and (2) a rhythm of relationship.

To appreciate the Sabbath, we must study about work.

The key message of Talk 2 is God wants to work
with you.

Talk 3: Time

This is the third installment of our ongoing Feast Talk series, RESTED.
Talk 1, titled Rest, established that there’s a great pandemic going on, called Overworking but Underliving.

The antidote is the Sabbath– which bestows two essential blessings:
(1) a rhythm of rest; and (2) a rhythm of relationship.

To appreciate the Sabbath, we must study about work.

This was Talk 2, with the key message:God wants to work with you.

So, God gave us a good schedule where we can have a good time for work and for rest. This is the topic of Talk 3, yes, titled Time.

The key message is:Follow God’s Rhythm of Restoration.

Talk 4: Jubilee

This is the fourth episode of our seven-week series, RESTED.
Talk 1, titled Rest, established that there’s a great pandemic going on, called Overworking but Underliving.

Talk 2, titled Work, is the antidote to this pandemic: the Sabbath—which bestows two essential blessings: 1) a rhythm of rest; and 2) a rhythm of relationship.
The key message: God wants to work with you.

Talk 3, titled Time, gives God’s good schedule for us to have a good time for work and rest.
The key message: Follow God’s Rhythm of Restoration.

Talk 4, titled Jubilee,  points out that Sabbath gives us time and space to remember our core identity—that we’re the Beloved of God.
The key message is: Remember who you are.

Talk 5: Jesus

Here’s a review of the amazing lessons we’ve learned so far:

Humanity has a problem and it’s huge: Overworking but underliving.

And God has the antidote. It’s called Shabbat—a rhythm of rest and relationship.

Last week, we learned that in the Bible, there were four Sabbath practices: (1) the weekly Sabbath; (2) seven annual festivals; (3) the Sabbath Year; and (4) the Jubilee Year.

And the biggest Sabbath is the Jubilee where three phenomenal things happen: (1) all debts are erased; (2) all slaves are released; and (3) all lands are returned to their original owners. It’s pretty radical. So, the goal is about ending poverty, creating abundance for all, and building a community of equals—with Jesus as King.

The Sabbath is much more than taking a vacation—It’s about bringing people back to the abundance of the Garden.

Talk 5 is about Jesus, how He declared that He is the Messiah, created His Jubilee Team– and included us as part of the team.

The key message: Your Jubilee has begun.

Talk 6: Lord of the Sabbath

We are now in Talk 6 of our series RESTED.
Here’s a review of the amazing lessons we’ve learned so far:

Talk 1, titled Rest, established that there’s a great pandemic going on, called Overworking but Underliving.

Talk 2, titled Work, shares that the Sabbath bestows two essential blessings: 1) a rhythm of rest; and 2) a rhythm of relationship.
The key message: God wants to work with you.

Talk 3, titled Time, gives God’s good schedule for us to have a good time for work and rest.
The key message: Follow God’s Rhythm of Restoration.

Talk 4, titled Jubilee, points out that Sabbath gives us time and space to remember our core identity—that we’re the Beloved of God.
The key message is: Remember who you are.

Talk 5 is about Jesus, how He declared that He is the Messiah, created His Jubilee Team–and included us as part of the team.
The key message: Your Jubilee has begun.

Talk 6 is about taking the Sabbath seriously.
The key message: God is giving you Real Rest.

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