

WE’RE on the last Talk of our series, Plenty. And today the big message of the Talk is: God Wants To Give You the Gift of Radical Giving.

I want to do a quick survey: Do you have regrets in your life? Who among you have regrets?

I see people nodding.

May I share one regret? They say that experience is the best teacher. Do you agree? Because sometimes, when you do something, the consequence is so painful, that you would not do it again. And it will be the lesson that you bring your entire life.

But knowing that, sometimes, I still have these little regrets. I want to share one of them…

One of my regrets in life is that I entered early into so many romantic relationships. Two in high school, two in college. Because I thought that entering into a relationship would complete what I felt was a lack in my life.

But that’s not true.

What To Do with Regrets

Single people, if you’re thinking of entering into a relationship because you feel “This is what I need…” Don’t. Because entering into that relationship will only magnify your neediness.

So, for me, if only it’s possible to step back,

I would say, “Lord, I should have not entered so early into relationships. Perhaps, it would have sped up my healing in my journey.”

That’s a regret that I hold on to.

But I thank the Lord because God can always do something good out of your wrong decisions.

Another regret in my life — I know some of you can relate—is that I procrastinate so much. I’m a crammer.

Who are procrastinators here? See, they are even procrastinating in raising their hands. You are procrastinators J.

I’m finding it so hard to unlearn that habit.

So, sometimes, in my prayer, I say, “Lord, what do I do with these regrets?”

Because sometimes these regrets enter my mind– even though I know my life is blessed.

Have you ever asked God that question: “Lord, what do I do with regrets in my life?”

I discovered one beautiful thing that you could do with your regrets: You give them away. In what form?

We usually teach you here in The Feast you can give to God your worries, your burdens, your fears, your regrets– in Worship. That’s the usual way of giving to God that I have grown up with.

I was a campus missionary at the University of the Philippines, Diliman.

Remember, experience is the best teacher. So, I did not want these children to whom we were introducing God to make the same mistakes that I made.

So, you know what I did? I taught them and shared with them my experience.

So, some of them did not rush into relationships. Some of them were also procrastinators but now they are no longer procrastinators.

And you know what? It has given me profound fulfillment. Why? Because my efforts were not in vain.

Give Them to God

So, I believe this message is speaking to you today.

If you have regrets, and probably, you’re telling God, “Lord, it’s too late. I cannot do that anymore…”

God is telling you to give your regrets to Him.

Use them to bless others…

God is reminding you today: There’s no lack, no mistake that could prevent My great plan from happening in your life.

My question for you today is: Are you prepared to offer everything to God? Even the burdens and the pains, and the regrets that you hold on to? Because that is also one form of radical generosity: Giving it all out to God.

If you’re ready to give it all out to God, I invite you to stand up, raise your hands, and let’s honor the Word of God as we sing:

Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet And a Light unto my path.

This is the letter of St. Paul to the Romans.

Are you seeing a pattern here?

Let’s continue:

I want to highlight this part: If it is giving, give generously.

I believe all of you get the message of this simple passage: Whatever you have, you can give to God.

Our usual thinking is: “Lord if I have money, if I have talent, if I have treasure, if I have time—those are good that I can give to You.”

But now, I believe another interpretation of this passage is this: Even your pains, your worries, your fears, your doubts, your trials, your challenges – may be given to God. Because God can make something out of everything that you have in your life—good or bad. Amen!

So, pray to God today if you have been carrying something and you feel:

“It’s worthless, it’s nothing, it’s just a burden I’ve been carrying, Lord, in my life. It’s just a mess that happened in the past that is giving me pain up to today…”

God is telling you: “Give it to Me generously.”

Pray how you will use it for your good and your blessing. Put your hands over your heart, and let’s pray:

Dear Jesus, teach me to generously give. Today I offer everything to You I have in my life – my talents, my time, my treasure as well as my hurts, my pains, my challenges, my doubts. Make something good out of all of these.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Radical Gift

 Let’s raise our hands to the Word of God and sing:

Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet

And a Light unto my path.

Give the Lord a big hand and praise Him, praise His Name.

God wants to give you a gift: Radical Giving.

Today, we will explore… We read earlier—the letter of St. Paul to the Romans.

We will read another passage from the letter of Paul to the Corinthians.

Paul was writing to different churches. Think about it like branches (of the church in Jerusalem) in different locations.

So, let’s read 1 Corinthians 16:1-5 (NIV):

Different Churches

Macedonia is modern-day Greece and Turkey.

To give a bit of context here: Imagine the Romans conquering the land. The Romans were known for imposing heavy taxes.

So, imagine the burden of the people… Land was being confiscated from them– taken away by the Roman government. So, they were experiencing a hard time. Plus: there was also a pandemic—sickness, famine happening in Palestine at the same time.

So, the people in Israel who were poor were becoming poorer.

This made Paul think: “How can we help these people?”

You know, Paul went by with so many titles. He wore many hats: as evangelist, preacher, tentmaker — he made tents and sold them to earn money. Also, he was a writer—he wrote this part of the Bible. And he was also a fundraiser.

So, this letter to the Corinthians was a letter to the home churches. The setup back then, the main church was in Jerusalem, led by the other disciples—Peter, James, and John.

Imagine: It’s like The Feast Bay Area District in Jerusalem. And then the home churches—what they call the home churches—were like Feasts being born in different locations:


Help from the Churches

So, imagine, this was happening in Jerusalem, and he was asking for help from the other home churches around.

That’s what was happening.

Role-wise, Galatians 2:9 (NLT) says this:

So, it’s clear: Jurisdiction-wise, Paul was not in charge of what was happening – the difficulty—in Jerusalem.

If you are at work, and usually it’s not your jurisdiction, what is the normal reaction?

Do nothing. “Because it’s not part of my scope. Not part of my JD —Job Description.”

But here was Paul praying, saying in 1Corinthians12:26:

So, Paul was compelled to take action.

Question: Have you ever stubbed your toe? You’re walking, so relaxed in your home… Then suddenly, the foot of the table decides to be in front of your toe and crashes with it. The table did it—not you. And there is this…. It’s so painful, there is no sound. Believe me, it’s even more painful than a breakup J.

It’s like that. When a part of the church is in pain, everybody experiences it.

So, we teach you that you have to be radically generous – because you need to give not just to sustain The Feast here. And you’re doing that because it will cause us to bring about the birth of other Feasts.

Let’s give a big hand to everyone again for giving to God.

So, that’s what was happening in the ancient time of the Israelites—and it’s happening to us now.

Four—Not Two—Letters to the Corinthians

In the Bible, there are 2 letters to the Corinthians: 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians. So, Paul wrote to the Corinthians two times.

But you know, there were 4 letters to the Corinthians.

Where are the other 2?

The Bible scholars did not find them. So, we don’t have an idea where they are—they are not part of the Bible.


What’s interesting is this:

  • The “first” letter, Letter #1, mentioned in 1 Corinthians 5:9 is
  • 1 Corinthians which we are reading is really Paul’s Letter #2. In Letter #2, Paul was already asking for money from other people to help the Jerusalem people—the church in
  • The “severe” letter mentioned in 2 Corinthians 2:4 and 7:8 is That’s Letter #3.
  • So, 2 Corinthians is really Paul’s Letter #4.

And the theologians, Bible scholars, believed that between Letter #2 and Letter #4, there was a time gap– about two to three years gap.

So, the question is: In the second letter, Paul was asking for help—money from the Corinthians… But after two to three years, he is asking again?

How could it be? Probably, because the people in Jerusalem were still in need.

And, the reality is this: Probably, if we have the third letter– I’m sure—Paul also asked for help. Because funding was always needed to help the church so that the people could be blessed.

So, what is my point? Sometimes, people forget…

And now, we go to why the message is: God Wants To Give You the Gift of Radical Giving.

When Paul mentioned his request in the passage we read earlier (1 Corinthians 16:1-5) he was not yet in Macedonia. But after that, he was able to visit Macedonia. And here is what he had to say to the people in Macedonia min 2 Corinthians 8:1:

You know what? In the original Greek version of the Bible, the word grace actually meant gift.

That’s why we say that grace is a gift.

So, what is this gift? Was it explosive growth in the Macedonian church? No.

Was it supernatural healing of sicknesses in the Macedonian church? No. Was it the capability to turn water into wine in Macedonia? No.

Their blessing was this: Even though they were in severe trial, extreme poverty, they had overwhelming joy.

Do you want that gift? Of overflowing joy amid what you’re facing? That’s what we’re talking about today.

Three Ways the Macedonians Are Amazing

So, God gave the Macedonians overflowing joy and radical generosity.

Let’s continue reading what Paul had to say about the Macedonians:

Do you want that kind of joy? Amen!

So, let’s learn the lessons from this passage:

Who among you here has experienced running a marathon?

We all know that I cannot go and buy the best shoes for a marathon, buy the best clothes, buy the best gear, and run 20 kilometers tomorrow if I have zero experience in running. Why? Because I have to build the endurance to be able to run a marathon.

Because here’s the truth: Giving is like a muscle.

If you don’t exercise, you will not grow your muscles. Do you know that Bro. Bo does push-ups frequently backstage before he gives a Talk?

When he started doing that, it changed my perspective on how exercise should be done. When I was still single and when I didn’t have a child yet, my usual exercise routine was two to three hours in the gym and at home, twice a week.

Now that I have a little daughter, I cannot do that routine anymore.

But Bro. Bo’s example changed my view of how exercise should happen. It can happen Shakira-style. You know, as Columbian singer Shakira’s hit song puts it, Whenever, Wherever.

Bro. Bo does that and I tried imitating it and it’s good. It’s working for me.

If my daughter is in the playground, I would do push-ups there. If my daughter is in another playground, I would do double pull-ups there.

Backstage Push-ups

So, one time, I decided to do push-ups with Bro. Bo as he was doing push-ups backstage. When he started doing push- ups, I also did push-ups.

We were about on the 25th push-up when I thought, “He’s older, he would grow tired earlier than me.”

But you know what? I could not lift my arms anymore to go to the 30th. But Bro. Bo was like a machine. I think he did around 50 clean push-ups backstage.

I thought that it was easy for me to match the number of his push-ups because I used to do lots of push-ups when I was younger. But that was 20 years ago. Guess what happened to the muscles? They went bye-byeJ. So, I have to exercise again.

What is my point? My point is it’s the same with your giving. You need to exercise your giving so that your giving will grow eventually. Because love is the core metric of the Kingdom of God, we should never be content with our level of generosity.

Another story…

You know Ate Chelle (Crisanto) the eldest sister of Bro. Bo? She handles speaking engagements of Bro. Bo with companies.

One time, I asked her, “Ate Chelle, do you have a sample proposal that you send to companies—so that you can present the rates and the terms of Bro. Bo’s speaking engagements?”

I wanted a copy because I wanted to use it as a reference so I would know how to make good proposals.

Ate Chelle sent me a copy, and I saw the rate—it was not deleted. The rate is in six figures.

I said, “Wow!”

And a line there says: “A portion will be donated to the Mercy Ministries founded by Bro. Bo.”

A percentage. Guess how much? 100 percent!

Oh, my God! When I saw that, I immediately said, “Lord, I cannot do this. I have my child to feed. Whatever I collect from my speaking engagements, I want to keep.”

But I was inspired by the generosity. And then God was reminding me: giving is like a muscle.

Giving ‘Push-up’

I used to have this thinking, “Lord, if I am earning P2 million a year already, trust me, P500,000 is yours.”

But God is saying otherwise: Even if you’re not earning that much yet, learn to give according

to your capacity. And learn to grow it.

So, what did I do with my proposal after seeing that example from Bro. Bo?

I included: 20% will be donated to…

But it’s a good starting point because I’m excited that the time will come when I get paid so much that

I don’t even need the payment anymore. It has inspired me to do more.

And why is this message important? Because probably, to some of you, you’re earning well already– and you’re comfortable. The challenge is to try to extend and stretch your giving. Because it will also excite you–“How can I grow my giving further…” — because you know it will bless a lot of people.

The reality is this: You will never know your actual capacity unless you regularly challenge your perceived capacity.

And there’s a bonus if you stretch your giving muscle.

Because the giving muscle is highly connected—related— to your Gratitude Muscle. Giving empowers you to delight in the simple.

When I was still starting at work, I earned little. But since I was giving,

I began to be delighted—because giving teaches you to be satisfied even with non- material things.

Look at the person beside you. Tell that person, “I am grateful for you.”

What’s also amazing about the Macedonians is that they begged for the opportunity to give.

Why were they—they were already facing severe famine, trials, challenges— still begging for the privilege and the capability to give?

I have a hunch… I believe that giving multiplies what you already have.

When I started working, I was also a victim— the money came – month-in, but month-end it was gone. I was so excited because my salary was seven times my allowance when I was a student. So, when I would go to a fast-food restaurant, I would order the biggest value meal. But after seven months, I realized the salary was not sustainable. And sustainability is part of God’s design.

So, I asked myself, “What can I do?”

At the time, I was still in college. I was already giving to the Lord, and I also started serving Him. Because my salary was little, I learned to delight in the simple. I went back to my old lifestyle. Like eating in places when I was still a student—and those places were really cheap.

You know that situation when you feel you’ve arrived – when all the items in the restaurant you can already afford to order. It will not hurt your pocket – you can order everything.

It happened to me when I was 25 years old.

Where? In the Lugawan sa kanto (Porridge corner stall). I used to eat porridge there for P20.00, and Tokwa (Tofu), P20.00, add Egg, P7.00. A total of P37.00.

This time, I was enjoying the simple lifestyle.

One time, I was eating in that Porridge stall, when I noticed two street kids—about three or five years old– sitting beside me, sharing a bowl of plain porridge that cost P10.00.

And there I was, enjoying my sumptuous meal– because I ordered nearly everything on the menu…

Wow! What joy the kids had! Just a P10 bowl of lugaw and they were so happy.

I wanted to give to them. So, I told the person selling the lugaw to give the kids one more bowl of lugaw and one serving of Tokwa. The kids happily applauded. I realized, sometimes my P100 cannot buy even a drink in Starbucks. But if I have gratitude for giving, it can be multiplied.

Look at the person beside you, and ask, “Do you want to multiply your blessing? Then give me a treat”J.

The Third Amazing Way about the Macedonians is this: They saw giving as a privilege.

Because in reality, the Third Lesson is this: Giving opens you to see the bigger picture. Sometimes, we look at giving like it’s a medicine. It’s good, but we have to take it, it doesn’t taste well… anyway, I would take it.

No one had ever been given medicine and said, “Wow, I love that medicine! That antibiotic will kill every bacterium in my body. Give it to me!”

Are you like that when you’re being given medicine?

Of course, not.

But sometimes our attitude towards giving is like that.

We know it’s well, but we think it’s medicine—that, if possible, okay not to have it.

God will teach you that giving opens you to see the bigger picture.

Missed the Chance To Give…

One last story…

Twenty years ago, when I was still in college, part of our leadership training in the Catholic Community where I was a member, was to immerse in the slums. So, I had to stay for one week in a site of Gawad Kalinga—‘Give Care’, a community development program for poverty alleviation. The site was in Payatas (formerly a dumpsite in Quezon City turned into a village for informal settlers in Metro Manila).

I lived there with a family granted a place there.

Just a bit of background: If you know my story… I came from a broken family. My family was the second family of my father. I was accepted by the first family when I was 19 years old.

The immersion in the slums happened when I was about 20 years old. So, I was so excited because my biggest prayer was granted. I felt that the Call to immerse in that slum area was an opportunity for me to give.

So, we arrived in Payatas, and I met my host family. They were a family of four – father, mother, and two kids, five and seven years old.

I was excited because I knew I could give a lot to them. I was excited to help with the chores, tutoring the kids, and doing anything for this family because

I knew they were from the slums and I could probably be a blessing to them.

So, I started by saying, “What do we need to do here?”

The father said, “There is no water here. We get water from a well two blocks away. So tomorrow morning, we need to get water for the whole day.”

And I immediately volunteered: “Okay, I will help get water tomorrow morning.”

It was nighttime, so they invited me to sleep already. You know they had only one wooden bed—without a mattress. The family of four insisted that I sleep

on the bed. They were insisting so I slept on the bed. And they slept on the floor.

I was excited for the following morning because I could do something for them.

I would get water.

You know, being 20 years old, you don’t wake up early. So, when I woke up, it was already 8:00 a.m. The coffee was already ready, the water had already been there for me to take a bath…

And the father was saying, “Sorry, I didn’t wake you up anymore. Because we have to line up by the well—it’s a long line, so we have to be there as early as 4:00 a.m.

Gosh, I missed my chance to give and bless this family.

And the days went on… Well, I was able to tutor the kids, anyway.

But I was frustrated… Because I wanted to give… There I was, being sent to a family poorer than I am…

But then why is it…. “I don’t understand, Lord—that they were giving me so much? And it blessed me so much. Lord, I arrived here thinking I would be the one to give but it turned out I became kind of a burden to them. I even ate their noodles, their sardines…”

In my deep prayer, I heard God answering me: “Maybe you have the wrong idea of giving in your head. You think that you give because it’s good. Yes, that’s right. You think that you give because you want to do it– because it makes you feel good. Yes…”

God was telling me, “I want you to realize this: You give because it’s a response to realizing that I have given you so much in the first place.”

2 Corinthians 8:9 says:

Brothers and Sisters, the message of God today is this: Maybe you’re having a hard time being generous. Maybe you’re having a hard time giving and stretching yourself…

Jesus wants to remind you that He gave everything up for you—so that you can experience a beautiful life. So, His first Call today, for this gift He has for you is to receive His immense Love. Open up yourself to get it.


We will now worship God and if it’s a comfortable position for you, I want you to open your hands:

Almighty Father, we say Thank You because You gave first. And You gave all.

And today, in response, I decide to open my heart to You to receive whatever You want to give me.

Use what’s ever in my life for Your good plan and Your good work. Amen.

Let’s worship God and sing:


Father, we take this time to rededicate ourselves to You.

Our commitment to You, Lord, our prayer is that You open up our hearts and take away everything that is not meant to be there— things that we’re holding on to that are not good anymore.

And instead, Father, we pray that You replace them with Your Grace, with Your Peace, with Your Love, with Your Forgiveness, with Your Healing, with Your Power.

Because today, Jesus, we declare that You are the God of our lives. You are my Savior, my Healer.

And I will continue to follow You every single day of my life – in my waking, in my sleeping, in everything that I do.

You are God and You are Lord of All. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. And we sing…


This story was first published in the Feast Family Online News Magazine

Published by THE FEAST (December 17, 2023)


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