Build God’s Kingdom on earth

Look around you.
Many people have made their career their god.
On the other spectrum are those who hate their jobs like poison.
Is there another path? A happier one? The answer is yes.

By the end of this powerful series, you’ll bless your jobs.
You’ll find your voice.
You’ll harness your gift.
You’ll elevate your results.
You’ll anoint your career.
You’ll prosper your business.
You’ll sanctify your Monday to Friday.

Talk 1: Success

Talk 1 is titled Success because it presents the real, true way to succeed, to feel good about working.
Success in your job means making your work your worship.

Discussion Guides available here  

Talk Slides available here  

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Talk 2: Significance 

Talk 2 is titled Significance because it discusses how to make your work meaningful— by making your sacred and secular become aligned.
All work is holy. What makes the work holy is not the work but the worker.

Discussion Guides available here  

Talk Slides available here  

Listen to the Podcast

Talk 3: Spirituality

Talk 3 is titled Spirituality because it focuses on our spiritual life. Talks 1 and 2 say spiritual life and secular life should be aligned. Talk 3 discusses which should be our top priority.

Discussion Guides available here  

Talk Slides available here  

Listen to the Podcast

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Need A Prayer?

Sometimes, when life feels overwhelming, and all you have are questions, you start feeling hopeless and a bit lost. But it’s during these times that someone praying for you can give you the hope you need to go on and face life’s challenges.

Ask for Prayer