1. What is the Feast?
The Feast is a weekly gathering of the members of the Light of Jesus family in locations across the country and around the world. It is a place in which we grow as a community, enriching our lives not just spiritually, but in other aspects as well.

2. Why is it called the Feast?
It is called the Feast because it is where we gather to celebrate God’s love for us and for our brothers and sisters.

3. What happens in the Feast?
Every week, we gather as a family and begin in praise and worship and offer it to God. It is followed by a talk given by our Feast Builders that refreshes and recharges us, preparing us for the week to come. It is also through the Feast that we participate in other activities–outreach programs, retreats, where we meet and bond with members of our community.

4. Is it free?
Absolutely! All you need to do is bring yourself, wear a smile on your face, and prepare to have fun. You can also bring friends and family with you.

5. Are only Catholics welcome at the Feast?
We are all God’s children, so anyone who wishes to attend is very much welcome.

6. Can I bring children to the Feast?
The Feast in itself is a family, so of course you can bring your children with you. What better way to grow with them as you go on thus journey together? It is also important to note that there are several different ministries within the Feast that address each member’s needs — Couples Ministry, Singles Ministry, Youth Ministry, Awesome Kids Ministry, Solo Parents Ministry, and Gracious Living Ministry.

7. I am not religious, so why should I go to the Feast?
Everyone wants to be happy. To be accepted. To be loved. At the Feast, you are welcome as you are, accepted as you are, and loved as you are. It is a place without judgement. A place where you can be safe and feel at home.