By CBCP News

October 28, 2022

Manila, Philippines

A collegial body of major religious superiors assured its support for the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP), accused of links with terrorist activities.

The Conference of Major Superiors in the Philippines (CMSP) reaffirmed its commitment to RMP as its mission partner in helping the rural poor.

“We stand by the dedicated and committed RMP members who are working in various mission areas in the peripheries,” the CMSP said in a statement released Oct. 27.

Sixteen people, including nuns, of the RMP are currently facing charges of financing terrorism and violating the country’s anti-terrorism law, an allegation they strongly denied.

The accused are facing non-bailable offenses of allegedly donating and soliciting funds for the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People’s Army.

The CMSP said it is also “gravely concerned” about the safety and well-being of those accused, and integrity of RMP’s ministry to the poor.

“In like manner, we trust and assure the four consecrated women who are implicated and indicted of our unwavering support and solidarity,” it added.

The RMP, according to CMSP, has long been helping the rural poor, including landless peasants, small farmers, agricultural workers, and indigenous peoples.

“RMP has served as a beacon of light to poor farmers and tillers of the land and has unswervingly journeyed with the rural poor in their struggles and hopes for a just, humane and peaceful society,” the CMSP said.


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