Archbishop-elect Victor Bendico of Capiz. DIOCESE OF BAGUIO

By CBCP News

March 24, 2023

Manila, Philippines

The Roman Catholic Church will install Victor Bendico as Archbishop of Capiz on May 3.

Bendico will become the fourth archbishop of his home archdiocese, which has been “sede vacante” or without a bishop for nearly two years.

The archbishop-elect will succeed Cardinal Jose Advincula, who was appointed archbishop of Manila in March 2021.

During the vacancy, the archdiocese was governed by Monsignor Cyril Villareal as administrator.

Pope Francis on March 3 appointed Bendico, who is until now the bishop of Baguio, as Capiz archbishop.

Born in Roxas City in 1960, he was ordained priest for the Capiz archdiocese on April 14, 1984.

Bendico, 63, also holds a doctorate degree in Sacred Liturgy from the Pontifical Institute of St. Anselm in Rome.

In October 2016, Pope Francis appointed him bishop of Baguio. He was ordained to the episcopate on Jan. 10, 2017.

Aside from serving as Baguio bishop, he also served as apostolic administrator of the Diocese of San Fernando in La Union from 2017 to 2018.

He is currently the chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Liturgy of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.


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