The relics of St. Charles Borromeo kept by the San Carlos Borromeo Cathedral in Negros Occidental. PHOTO FROM DIOCESE OF SAN CARLOS

By CBCP News

August 31, 2023

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

The Catholic bishop of the central Philippine diocese of San Carlos has decreed the authenticity of the relics of St. Charles Borromeo held by their cathedral.

Bishop Gerardo Alminaza made the decree after an “expert on relics” confirmed that the two relics “originated” from the bones of the patron saint of bishops, catechists and other spiritual leaders.

He mentioned that the relics have been held privately for years due to the misplacement of their certificate of authenticity, which cannot be located.

“Through this decree, I hereby grant permission for these relics to be enshrined in the Cathedral Church and/or made available for public veneration,” Alminaza said.

The bishop’s decree was issued on July 13. The diocese made it public on Aug. 31.

According to Alminaza, the relics bear the symbols of authenticity: a red thread and a red wax seal, recognized as the coat of arms of the Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome.

“Hence, the two relics of Saint Charles have been officially authorized by the relevant office responsible for bestowing relics upon deserving ecclesial communities,” he said.


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