By CBCP News

March 8, 2023

Manila, Philippines

The country’s military Catholic diocese on Wednesday supported the call of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr to “dismantle private armies” following the string of attacks against local officials.

Fr. Harley Flores, spokesperson of the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines, said that private armies “only serve to promote lawlessness and instability”.

“They threaten the peace and security of the communities they operate in,” Flores said.

“It is therefore the responsibility of the government to take strong action to dismantle these groups and confiscate their weapons,” he said.

Marcos has earlier ordered for a crackdown of private armies and identify hotspots where local officials are being attacked.

The diocese also joined in condemning the recent murder of Gov. Roel Degamo of Negros Oriental and eight others at the governor’s residence in Pamplona town on March 4.

Flores said that all the perpetrators must be brought to justice.

“These violent acts have no place in a civilized society governing a responsible citizenry under just laws,” the priest added.


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