Father Reginald Malicdem. LANDMARK CHAPEL MAKATI

By Roy Lagarde

February 9, 2023

Manila, Philippines

Cardinal Jose Advincula, the archbishop of Manila, has appointed Fr Reginald “Regie” Malicdem as another vicar general of the archdiocese.

Fr. Malicdem will work with Msgr. Clemente Ignacio, who has been holding the same post since 2015.

The priest, who is turning 45 years old next month, will officially assume his new role on February 15.

“Let us pray for Fr. Malicdem as he takes on his new mission,” according to a circular of the archdiocese released Thursday.

The priest served as private secretary to Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales from 2005 to 2011 and to Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle from 2011 to 2021.

He was also the chancellor of the archdiocese and Episcopal Vicar for Chancery Matters from 2015 to 2021.

From 2005 to 2021, he was a member of the Board of Consultors and the Presbyteral Council of the Archdiocese of Manila.

Fr. Malicdem is currently the chaplain at the chapels of Landmark and SM malls in Makati City. Prior to this, he was rector of the Manila Cathedral from 2015 to 2022.

While Msgr. Ignacio will also continue to serve as moderator of the curia, he will be assisted by Fr. Malicdem as his vice moderator.

Canon Law provides that “By virtue of his office, the vicar general has the executive power over the whole diocese which belongs to the diocesan bishop by law, namely, the power to place all administrative acts except those, however, which the bishop has reserved to himself or which require a special mandate of the bishop by law.” (Canon 479)

The vicar general is also the highest official in a diocese after the diocesan bishop or his equivalent in canon law.

A bishop is allowed by Canon Law to appoint another vicar general if “the size of the diocese, the number of inhabitants, or other pastoral reasons” so demand it.

The moderator curiae, meanwhile, is a bishop or priest, appointed by the diocesan bishop, who is concerned primarily with administrative matters and with supervising those working in the curia.


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