Bishop Dennis Villarojo. DIOCESE OF MALOLOS

By CBCP News

May 29, 2023

Malolos City

Bishop Dennis Villarojo of Malolos has invited Catholics back to Mass, following other dioceses across the country that have lifted dispensations from Sunday obligation.

In a circular, the bishop said the obligation of Catholics to attend Mass, suspended in March 2020 because of the pandemic, will be reinstated effective June 11, the Solemnity of the Corpus Christi.

“At the conclusion of the pandemic that compelled limited opportunities to worship in person… we are hereby lifting the dispensation given to the faithful from personally participating in the Mass due to civil restrictions imposed on account of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Villarojo said.

Exceptions in the form of particular dispensations are given to those who are sick, have fragile health, or susceptible to contracting illnesses.

“Except for those sick and have serious reasons, all Catholics are expected to perform their obligations to physically attend Masses in churches,” he said.

The bishop encouraged the parishes, chaplaincies and Catholic schools to “employ all effective means necessary to catechize the faithful… on the importance of the Sunday obligation.”

“Let us ardently encourage the faithful to encounter God through the Church in her communal celebration of the Sacred Mysteries,” Villarojo added.

The diocese early this year instructed parishes to limit the live streaming of Masses during Sundays to at least two, preferably one in the morning and one in the evening.


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