Cardinal Jose Advincula of Manila leads the groundbreaking for the construction of the “Divine Mercy Chapel for 24/7 Confession” at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Minor Seminary complex in Makati City. PHOTO COURTESY OF FR. YULITO IGNACIO

By CBCP News

March 15, 2023

Manila, Philippines

Construction is underway to build a chapel that will offer confession 24 hours a day.

Cardinal Jose Advincula on Tuesday led the groundbreaking of the Divine Mercy Chapel at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Minor Seminary complex in Makati City.

“We envisioned that this can be a place where anytime a person can avail himself of the Sacrament of Reconciliation,” Advincula said, as quoted by Radio Veritas.

The cardinal said the chapel will be helpful as each individual can feel the need to reconcile with God at different times.

“God has always been waiting for the preeminent moment when a person can feel, can do, and can approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation,” he added.

Among those present during the groundbreaking were Fr. Rico Garcia, rector of the seminary, with several clergy of the archdiocese.


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