By CBCP Newss

April 28, 2023

Manila, Philippines

An alliance of church leaders and labor organizations is advocating for a pay increase for the country’s workers amid the soaring inflation rates.

The Church People-Workers Solidarity (CWS) said that workers deserve “substantial wage increase” for their toils and services.

“CWS strongly emphasizes the justness, urgency, and doability of living wage in the midst of economic hardships,” said its chairperson Bishop Gerardo Alminaza in a statement for May 1 Labor Day.

Raising the minimum wage at this time, according to the bishop, is about dignity and justice.

“Based on this dignity, workers have a legitimate claim to those essential material goods that meet basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, health, education, security, and rest,” Alminaza said.

“The rising cost of living and the insufficient wage are forcing workers to work more than 12 hours a day for an extra income to provide for their family,” he added.

The CWS also urged Congress to pass the pending legislative measure calling for a wage increase.

“CWS also supports initiatives by progressive labor groups to demand for wage increase,” the prelate said.


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