By CBCP News

December 3, 2022

Manila, Philippines

A digital book is offering the faithful a daily spiritual reflection guide for this year’s Advent and Christmas season.

Titled “Emmanuel”, the 180-page e-book is an initiative of the Media Office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines and Areopagus Communications, Inc.

The reflection guide offers reflections and questions based on each day’s Gospel reading from selected bishops and priests nationwide.

“May this modest work help more people experience ‘Emmanuel’ this season of Advent and Christmas— and the whole year through,” the e-book’s introduction stated.

The e-book is available here for free download.

The CBCP Media Office earlier also released a devotional titled “Emmanuel: An Advent and Christmas Guide for Families”.

The Advent and Christmas family guide, which also comes in the form of an e-book, is a work of Team +JMJ+ in collaboration with the CBCP Media Office.

It also contains weekly Sunday Gospel readings for Advent, daily Gospel readings for the Christmas season, reflection questions, prayers, and suggested family activities. Download your copy for only P250.


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