By CBCP News

April 25, 2023

Manila, Philippines

A Catholic bishop said Tuesday that the Church is ready to work with the government to help Filipinos who will be repatriated from troubled Sudan.

Bishop Ruperto Santos of the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (ECMI) said the Church is always open “to help and offer our resources to our Filipinos”.

“Our Church extends our collaboration and assistance for their needs,” Santos, who is also the bishop-promoter of the Stella Maris-Philippines.

“There are programs and plans in the dioceses to give hope, heal, and help our Filipinos that have been repatriated,” he added.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said at least 156 Filipinos are ready to be repatriated due to the the ongoing violence in Sudan that has left hundreds of people dead.

DFA Usec. Eduardo Jose de Vega said there could be up to 700 Filipinos in Sudan but only about 300 Filipinos have asked for repatriation.

Bishop Santos also assured their prayers for the welfare of the OFWs in the battle-scarred African nation.

“Through our chaplains, we are always praying and offering our Holy Masses for their safety, strength, and sound health,” he said.


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