Negros Oriental Gov. Carlo Jorge Joan “Guido” Reyes. GUIDO REYES FACEBOOK PAGE

By CBCP News

June 1, 2023

Dumaguete City

Bishop Julito Cortez of Dumaguete has expressed his grief and sorrow over the death of Negros Oriental Gov. Carlo Jorge Joan “Guido” Reyes.

Reyes passed away on Wednesday due to a lingering illness. He was 62.

His death came around two months after he was sworn in as governor of the province after the murder of then Gov. Roel Degamo on March 4.

“I send my heartfelt condolences to the family of Governor Guido as well as to his close collaborators in the provincial government,” Cortes said in a statement.

“Allow me to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to the late Governor Guido for his commitment and service to the people of Negros Oriental,” he added.

Hours after Reyes’ death, Vice Gov. Manuel Sagarbarria was sworn in to the province’s top post.


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