By CBCP News

June 27, 2023

Manila, Philippines

The National Museum of the Philippines (NMP) has declared Baclaran Church among the country’s most valuable cultural treasures.

The declaration was highlighted on Tuesday with the unveiling of the marker designating the church as an “important cultural property” or ICP.

Among those present in the ceremony were NMP archeologist Dr. Mary Jane Louise Bolunia, and Brazilian Fr. Rogerio Gomes, superior general of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, or the Redemptorists.

Bolunia said the NSP is delighted to bestow honor on the church edifice “that has become part of our culture as it evolved and developed through the years.”

“I hope the marker will serve as a reminder for us to cherish this gift of faith that we have embraced and the place where the faith has taken its root,” she said.

Also in attendance were Fr. Rico John Bilangel, Rector or Baclaran Church, and Fr. Raymond Urriza, superior of the Redemptorist Vice-Province of Manila.

The ceremony coincided with the feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help and the celebration of the 75 years of the Perpetual Help Novena in Baclaran Church.

Fr. Gomes said that designating the Baclaran Church as an ICP is not only because of its importance as a physical heritage “but also as a spiritual one.”

“I can say that is also declaring the Filipino people as a patrimony of faith,” he said.

ICPs, which are defined as cultural properties possessing “exceptional cultural, artistic, and historical significance,” may receive government subsidies for their preservation and conservation.

It is also the second level of protection after the classification of National Cultural Treasures.


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