By CBCP News

November 18, 2022

Manila, Philippines

As the new clergy assignments in the Manila archdiocese are already underway, Cardinal Jose Advincula has a request to the faithful: do not compare priests with other priests.

Priests have their own uniqueness, gifts and talents, according to him during a recent Mass at the Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord in Mandaluyong City.

“Please do not compare priests because when you do, you are hurting them,” Advincula said. “When you compare priests, you are wounding the brotherhood of priests and your community as well.”

He asked the parishioners to pray for their new priests and welcome them “with open minds and hearts” by “looking at their good qualities”.

“Please support your new priests. They are God’s gifts to your community,” the cardinal said. “Get to know them well based on how they are with you and not based on the stories of other people. This will be a good start for the parish.”

“Be patient with them as they adjust to their new assignment and as they get acquainted with the culture, history, and traditions of your parish,” he added.

More than 200 priests are taking their new roles soon as a result of reshuffle of clergy assignments announced last October 13.

The assumption into office are scheduled within three months upon effectivity of the appointments, according to the archdiocese.


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