Bishop Joel Baylon of the Diocese of Legazpi. CBCP NEWS
By Roy Lagarde
July 17, 2023
Manila, Philippines
A Catholic bishop has cautioned the clergy against affiliation with what he called a group “renegade group of priests”.
Bishop Joel Baylon of Legazpi said the “Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul” is a group not recognized by the Catholic hierarchy.
He said its members are no longer in the active ministry within the Church, and has no permission from legitimate authority to act in the name and on behalf of the Church.
“Any priest who joins this group automatically incurs suspension from his duties as a priest, and is therefore prohibited from performing any religious act relative to his priestly duties, such as celebrating Mass and administering the Sacraments,” Baylon said in a diocesan circular July 16.
“Any religious activity performed in the name of the Catholic Church by a priest who joins this Society is therefore invalid and illicit,” he said.
Information reaching the diocese revealed that the group is planning to conduct what they call an “acceptance rite” for individuals interested in joining their society, including “married” priests.
Baylon said the circular is meant to avoid confusion among the public, especially those who will be approached by the group.
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